Don't Leave Him Panting For More
It's getting hot out there, so don't forget to give your pooch some extra H2O. Doggie dehydration is a real issue in the summer, especially for active canines who live to take long treks with their active humans. The good news is that you don't have to share your designer electrolyte and vitamin water with your pet. A healthy dog is going to excrete those items at the nearest fire hydrant, says Dr.
Gregory Hammer, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association in Schaumburg, Ill. Pooches need about one ounce of plain water per pound of body weight every day, and more when they are active and hot. Discolored gums signal dehydration. So does loose skin--unless you own a Shar-Pei. For dogs on the go, check out handi-drink.com, which features a belt clip, carrying strap and a built-in tray ($6.99 for the 9oz size, $7.99 for 17oz and $9.99 for 25oz). Discriminating dogs might like the Drinkwell Hydro-Go, with a refillable canteen that can also hold food ($19.99 for 36oz; thepetstore online.com). You can even make your own portable doggie bowl free of charge, with plastic sheeting, aluminum foil and some scrap wood (www. instructables.com/id/Foldable Portable-Superlight-DoggyWater-Bowl-0/). That should leave you some extra bucks for doggie treats.
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