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The New Stuff

Dog and crony show

Let's see, in the Feb. 18 issue, Andrew Coyne is talking about the false value of government intervention in the economy, Paul Wells is discussing how far our foreign relations abilities have fallen and Barbara Amiel is talking about--her new puppy ("I lie in bed, the photo of 'Jonas' taped to my door," Opinion)? When there is a hotly contested U.S. presidential race, a political battle over Canada's future role in Afghanistan and a host of other important topics, why is she given space to ramble on about something that has absolutely no substance or bearing on anyone's life? I really don't want to accuse her of having this column because of who she is, or is married to, but come on!

Tyler Waddell, Toronto

BARBARA AMIEL's column has gone to the dogs.

Angela Trope, Toronto

YOU SHOULD CONSIDER giving Amiel's column to to young people of not-so-wealthy means, who could share their daily lives with us. That would be more informative than an article on pampered pets!

Faye Ingrey, Gatineau, Que.

WHAT A SHAME that so many people feel the need to burn Barbara Amid at the stake. I believe there are many people who are envious; so envious that they constantly need to criticize anything and everything. Amiel's writing is daring, provocative and never boring. And while she may call herself an old woman at 67, she is the perfect example of what most of us wished we could be.

Madelon Keij, South Surrey, B.C.

WOW! Barbara Amiel is 67? She looks great!

William Reid, Thamesford, Ont.

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